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Domain to Website

The process to resolve web3domain name to your website (www).
Note: website visit is best accessible by browser extension.

We have option to link your existing HTTP site & IPFS site to NFT Web3Domain you own with us.
Unlike other web3 domain provider, you don’t need to stick with decentralized website.

1- Visit dashboard page.
2- Select the domain you wanted to manage by clicking on thumbnail.
3- Click on “Domain Redirect” button

4- It will open “Website Redirect” Page.

5- Enter the website URL you want to get redirected.
6- Click on button “Update URL” to make required changes.
7- “Assign records to Domain” to update on blockchain.

Turn off redirect
By default web3domain redirects to IPFS content URL with a auto generated theme page.
Adding custom URL will not delete your old IPFS content.
Click on “Turn of redirect” button on same page to make back to default values.

Note: Web3Domain generates IPFS website each time the records are updated.

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